W Kacha Resort mieszkałem kolejny raz. Polecam ten hotel osobom planującym dłuższy pobyt na Ko Chang. Hotel położony nad samym morzem a także blisko sklepów i restauracji. Miły i pomocny personel. Jedyny minus to bardzo słaby zasięg WiFi.
In the Kacha Resort I lived once again. I would recommend this hotel to people planning a longer stay on Ko Chang. Hotel is located by the sea and close to shops and restaurants. Friendly and helpful staff. The only minus is very weak WiFi coverage.
The Kacha Resort lived again. I recommend this hotel for those planning an extended stay on Ko Chang. The hotel is situated on the seafront and close to shopping and restaurants. Nice and helpful staff. The only minus is a very weak WiFi coverage.
THE Kacha Resort i lived once again. I recommend this hotel to people planning a longer stay on Ko Chang. The Hotel is situated directly by the sea and close to shopping and restaurants. Nice and helpful staff. The only minus is a very poor WiFi coverage.