Betty Owens is a rich women. Last Saturday,someone stole her jewels.She put them on a table in the living room , then she left room to answer the phone.When she come back ten minutes later, the jewels weren't there. There were four other people in the house when the jewels disappeared:
her younger sister, Cindy,
her older brother,Marcel,
her husband,Antonio,
her secretary,Louise
Betty Owens hija nisa sinjuri. Aħħar Sibt, xi ħadd tpoġġi tabella jewels.She tagħha minnhom fuq mejda fil-living room, allura hi ħallew il-kamra biex twieġeb phone.When li hi terga 'lura minuti wara, l-ġawhar ma kinux hemm. Kien hemm erba 'persuni oħra fil-binja Meta L-ġawhar sparixxa:
sister iżgħar tagħha, Cindy,
ħuha anzjani, Marcel,
żewġha, Antonio,
segretarju tagħha, Louise
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